Google+ Sweet Tea Sundays No. 68 - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Over the past few years, Marianne Caldwell has become such a dear friend of SW! She shares our heart and mission of encouraging strong marriages, and she pours that into every couple who comes through the doors of RiverOaks Charleston, the venue she and her husband, Kenny, run. You may remember her talent for creating meaningful moments and details from Callie and Jamie‘s wedding in V7 and Shannon and Clay‘s wedding in V6! She was one of the first people we thought to ask for her favorite thing about marriage, since she clearly loves marriage so very much. We’re so grateful she shared her answer with us for V7!

Christopher Shane

In due time, through marriage, you discover things that are a joy and other things that are a frustration, an unpleasant surprise, or just plain difficult to like about one another. But one of my other favorite things about being married is that all the memories we have shared, both joys and junk, are OUR history. I wouldn’t trade it or want to start over with anyone else, because our marriage story is unique to just us. I love the fact that through our lives together, we have slowly become one, and it’s hard to determine where I stop and Kenny begins. It took time, heartache, intention, work, love, surrender, faith in Christ, change, trials, victories, and more, but this oneness is a favorite reality for me of being married. Nothing else in life but our marriage could make such two different people into one complete, loving whole.

Keep up with Marianne:
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lisa Written with love by Lisa

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